Liebe HTA-Interessierte,
wir möchten Sie auf folgende Veranstaltung aufmerksam machen:
Winter School in Clinical Epidemiology
Course Description
Clinical epidemiology is the application of epidemiologic principles and methods to problems encountered in public health and clinical medicine. It provides important information for clinicians and health policy decision makers in order to identify risk factors for diseases and to determine optimal preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for individuals and populations. This course covers the key elements and methods of clinical epidemiology and combines theoretical concepts with practical applications using real world case examples. Participants will develop a study design as group exercise.
Der fünftägige Kurs findet vom 20. bis zum 24. Februar in Hall in Tirol/ Österreich statt.
Continuing Education Program on HTA & Decision Sciences (HTADS)
Institute of Public Health, Medical Decision Making and HTA
UMIT – University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology
Eduard-Wallnoefer-Zentrum 1, A-6060 Hall i.T., Austria
Telephone +43/50/8648-3901, Fax +43/50/8648-673901
Das LBI-HTA-Team wünscht besinnliche Festtage & ein gutes neues Jahr!