AdHopHTA - Adopting hospital-based HTA in EU
Project leaders: Claudia Wild
Duration: September 2012 - October 2015
Additional Project team: Marisa Warmuth
Language: Englisch
Acknowledging hospitals as the main entry level for new/ innovative cost-intensive health technologies, hospitals – esp. university hospitals - have started to build up small HTA-units to facilitate timely, pragmatic and context-specific decision-support.
Aim and methods:
Within the 7th framework of EU-research grants AdHopHTA has the intention to strengthen the use and to enforce the impact of HTA in hospital settings. Coordination among existing HTA-initiatives in hospitals and collaboration among the partners shall be facilitated. 10 research partners of 9 European countries are involved in AdHopHTA. It is the role of LBI-HTA, as it is in EUnetHTA, to build up a database – compatible with the already established POP/ planned and ongoing projects db – for further reducing redundancies of hospital-based HTA-producion.
As a result a sustainable European-wide network of hospital-based HTA-units and a database with assessments on new/ innovative cost-intensive health technologies is to be expected.
More about AdHopHTA: