HTAs for Appraisal Board
In accordance with Section 62d of the Hospitals and Health Resorts Act (KAKuG), an appraisal board was established in 2024 to evaluate the use of selected high-priced and specialised medicinal products in the intramural area or at the interface between extramural and intramural. Since autumn 2024, the Austrian Institute for Health Technology Assessment (AIHTA) has been supporting the secretariat of the appraisal board set up at the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK) with the preparation of Health Technology Assessments (HTAs). In accordance with KAKuG §62e, these form the basis for determining recommendations for the use of medicinal products. The HTAs summarise the best available evidence on the additional medical-therapeutic benefit compared to therapeutic alternatives, on budget impact and cost-effectiveness and on social, ethical and organisational aspects in connection with the implementation of a new medicinal product.