
The repository of the AIHTA
The institute's repository provides long-term access to all AIHTA publications and series in an electronic format, free of charge. Additionally all publications of individual AIHTA researchers covering HTA or EBM issues, or those that have been published under AIHTA affiliation, are filed as citations. A comprehensive publication-list of each researcher can be found through their respective website submenu (under AIHTA team).
AIHTA series
HTA Newsletter
The concept of a periodical, electronic-only HTA newsletter is to transfer the results of international assessments into a German-language, easily readable journalistic format: each month 4 articles on relevant technologies/interventions are selected. Often, but not always, topics are chosen which at least 2 different HTA institutions have worked on and published independently. An editorial article, frequently written by an invited expert, deals with horizontal topics such as methodological aspects or questions of health policy. The newsletter has been published 10 times per year since September 2001. HTA Newsletter
Contact: Ozren Sehic
HTA Project Reports
The results of the different research projects are published in the series „HTA Project Reports". These are full descriptions of the work that is based on a systematic literature search and evaluation of studies. Repository
Contact: Tarquin Mittermayr
Rapid Assessments
These assessments are carried out within a timeframe of 1-3 months, and are, in terms of methodology, systematic reports. However, they go into less detail or have a narrower focus than full assessments (see AIHTA methods manual). Repository
Contact: Tarquin Mittermayr
Decision Support Documents
In this series „mini-assessments", which are carried out within the space of 1 month, are published, serving mainly as decision-making support for the Austrian health ministry and the informal "HTA in hospitals" network. Repository
Contact: Tarquin Mittermayr
Decision Support Documents: Horizon Scanning in Oncology
Within the scope of the "Horizon Scanning in Oncology" project, the AIHTA periodically publishes assessments on novel cancer drugs with a likely therapeutical and/or financial outcome. These assessments serve as decision aids for funding agencies and the decision-making network "HTA in hospitals " alike. Repository
Contact: Sarah Wolf
Annual Reports
In the annual reports the institute´s scientific output in a particular year is documented and an overview of future activities is given. Annual Reports
Contact: Claudia Wild (content)