Stakeholder & organization chart
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Federal Ministry Republic of Austria
Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection
1010 Wien, Stubenring 1
Austrian Social Insurances
1030 Wien, Kundmanngasse 21-23
Health fund Region Burgenland
7000 Eisenstadt, Europaplatz 1
Health fund Region Styria
8011 Graz-Burg
Health fund Region Tirol
6020 Innsbruck, Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz 3
Health fund Region Vienna
1010 Wien, Lichtenfelsgasse 2, Stiege 5, 1. Stock
Health fund Region Lower Austria
3109 St.Pölten, Landhausplatz 1
Health fund Region Voralberg
6901 Bregenz, Römerstraße 15
Health fund Region Carinthia
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Arnulfplatz 1
Health fund Region Upper Austria
4021 Linz, Landhausplatz 1
Health fund Region Salzburg

5010 Salzburg, Postfach 527
Current institutional partners
The AIHTA is represented in following international networks: EUnetHTA, INAHTA, DNEbM and EuroScan.
EUnetHTA - European network for Health Technology Assessment
Focusing on scientific cooperation in HTA in Europe, thirty four government appointed organisations from the EU Member States, Accession Countries and EEA work together to help developing reliable, timely, transparent and transferable information to contribute to HTAs in European countries.
The EUnetHTA Joint Action (JA) builds on the achievements of a number of the previous European initiatives including the EUnetHTA Project (2006-2008) and the Pharmaceutical Forum (on relative effectiveness).
The overarching objective of the EUnetHTA JA is to put into practice an effective and sustainable HTA collaboration in Europe that brings added value at the European, national and regional level.
If you are interested in further information, please visit
INAHTA- The International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment
INAHTA was established in 1993 and has now grown to 53 member agencies from 29 countries. The Network stretches from North and Latin America to Europe, Asia, and Australasia. The Board and Executive Committee of INAHTA oversee the work of the Secretariat and implementation of the approved workplan.
Most activities are coordinated by the Secretariat. The membership meets yearly and participates in various working groups throughout the year. The Annual Meeting is held in conjunction with the HTAi Conference. In 2008 SBU was elected to continue to serve as Network Secretariat until Dec 2011. DIMDI-DAHTA was in 2011 elected to take over the secretariat from the beginning of 2012. The Executive Committee and Board are elected for 2-year terms.
For further information see INAHTA´s website.
German Network for Evidence Based Medicine
Founded in 2000 the German Network for Evidence Based Medicine considers itself as interdisciplinary and multi-professional forum to disseminate evidence-based medicine. Its aims are amongst others to combine all activities of evidence-based medical care in German speaking countries, to promote the exchange of information, to implement evaluation and research projects and to enhance theory, methods and ethics of EBM.
For further information see