ASSESS-DHT: Development and Harmonisation of Methodologies for Assessing Digital Health Technologies in Europe (2024-2026)

Project leaders: Claudia Wild
Project team: Reinhard Jeindl, Gregor Goetz, Yui Hidaka
Duration: 01/2024 – 12/2026
Language: English
ASSESS-DHT tackles the importance of increasing the adoption of trustworthy and effective Digital Health Technologies (DHT) across Europe. ASSESS-DHT addresses the challenges of assessing innovative DHT areas, such as AI-assisted diagnostics and therapy recommendations (Digital Therapeutics (DTx) or Digiceuticals), and will develop solutions that are embedded in the context of a digitally transformed care pathway, such as telemedicine. ASSESS-DHT has the following objectives 1.) to consolidate and streamline the methods, tools and experience from existing HTA approaches to DHT assessment, 2.) to specifically investigate and incorporate assessment criteria on privacy, cybersecurity, data storage and handling, interoperability, usability, 3.) to develop a new fit-for-purpose generic (overarching) assessment framework, harmonised for Europe and aligned with the European Health Data Space (EHDS) Regulation proposal, etc.
It is the role of AIHTA to pilot the methodology in a case study and Telehealth in Diabetes (WP5) and to organize roundtables for payers to evaluate the methodology for its usability in decision-making (WP6).