IFEDH - Innovative Framework for Evidence Based Decision Making in Health Care/2

Project leaders: Ingrid Zechmeister-Koss
Project team: Ingrid Zechmeister-Koss
Duration: October 2011 - August 2012
Publication: HTA Project report No. 44b: https://eprints.aihta.at/990/
Suggested by: Drahtwarenhandlung gmbH
Language: German/English
Decision-analytic models within Health Technology Assessment (HTA) on the one hand require qualitative (structural) knowledge on the disease under consideration (e.g. spread of a disease and its influencing factors, which type of costs are incurred by the disease and where). On the other hand modellers need quantitative data to define the model parameters. Examples for the latter are data on the prevalence of a disease in a defined population at the starting point of the model, infection rates in cases of infectious diseases or costs for treatment. The more precise these data are the more precise model results will be obtained, because uncertainty is minimised. The aim of the project was to define recommendations on how to parameterise models on the basis of secondary data including challenges and possible solutions. HTA-manuals, country-specific guidelines on economic evaluation and published methodological standards on modelling were analysed. Recommendations on possible data sources, on the identification of data and on issues related to the correct handling of the data were extracted and summarised.
Contact: Ingrid Zechmeister-Koss