Clinical and health economic registries in the field of cardiovascular, spinal and neurologic diseases. Methods and good practice strategies

Project lead: Stefan Mathis
Duration: June 2007 - June 2008
While randomised controlled studies evaluate health technologies in selected patients, registries cover data from medical interventions in real life situations. Registries are expected to contribute additional information about clinical but also socio-political aspects. However, it is not clear for what kind of questions registries are the adequate methodical approach and what are the key factors for implementing, performing and analysing registries.
Aims and research objectives:
The aim of this project is to give an overview of current registries in cardiovascular, neurological and spine specific fields, to analyse the kind of clinical and socio-political questions being addressed, and to identify practical and methodical models of best practice as well as key factors for implementing meaningful registries.
Systematic search for registries and adequate methodological literature; systematic analysis of the registries' objectives.
Publication: HTA-Projektbericht 11
Contact: Stefan Mathis