Procedures in evaluation kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty
Duration: 2006 - 2010
Conservative treatment of vertebral compression fractures (VCF) in older patients includes bed rest and analgesics followed by mobilisation and eventually, the use of a bodice. Alternatively, two minimally invasive procedures – percutaneous kyphoplasty (KP) and vertebroplasty (VP) – are available. Patients with osteoporotic VCF and chronic pain in particular may benefit from these techniques. VP, which is less costly than KP, induces quick pain relief. KP also leads to quick pain reduction. In addition, it is intended to be safer and to restore vertebral height, as well as guaranteeing a lower risk of refracture. However, there is insufficient evidence about these benefits for patients. In particular, long-term results and cost-effectiveness data are scarce.
Aims and research objectives:
A study conducted at the Austrian AUVA hospitals should be able to provide data about the effectiveness of KP and VP under real-life conditions. The study will be performed in cooperation with other clinics (University Clinics of Orthopaedics at Vienna and Graz, Hanusch Hospital Vienna) and will collect data prospectively for a time interval which has yet to be defined.
Empirical study, application study; co-ordination of participating institutions; production of study documents (protocol, CRF, patient consent form, application to Ethics Committee, registration); implementation, data entry and analysis; presentation of results and publication.
Brigitte Piso, Eva Salaberger
HTA Project report No. 25 -