Ingrid Zechmeister-Koss, Dr. rer. soc. oec., MA

Ingrid Zechmeister-Koss has worked at the LBI-HTA from 2006 to 2015 and since 2018 (since March 2020 AIHTA GmbH). She is the deputy head (authorised signatory) of the institute and leads the research domains health economics and health services research. Her research focus is primarily on health economics and/or mental health. After a Master in ‘Health Studies and Management’ at the University of Brighton, she was a research assistant at the Vienna University of Economics and Business where she completed her doctorate study. Apart from the LBI-HTA /AIHTA she worked in other Austrian research institutes (Austrian Academy of Sciences, European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research). She also worked for several years for a health care provider in the field of biomedical sciences and as a health economist in health care administration (Austrian Social Insurance).
- Austrian Society for Public Health (ÖGPH)
- Austrian Health Economics Association (ATHEA)
- International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research-Austria (ISPOR-Austria)
- 2003-2005 lecturer at Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and at University of Applied Sciences Vienna
Since 2004 lecturer in the field of health sciences/health economics at the:
- Master course 'Public health' at the Medical University Graz,
- Master and bachelor course 'Biomedical Analytics' at the University of Applied Sciences Vienna,
- postgraduate courses at the Danube-University Krems,
- Bachelor courses at the University of Applied Sciences Krems.
- Public Health Master Course of the Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg