Louise Schmidt, MSc

Public Health & High-Tech Medicine
E-mail: louise.schmidt[at]aihta.at
Louise Schmidt has a Masters Degree from the University of Oxford, UK, awarded by the Department of Public Health and Primary Care, a Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Economics and Sociology from the University of Bristol and a Certificate in Health Economics from the University of Aberdeen. Whilst based in the UK, Louise worked for a number of health policy and research institutions in the area of public health and health economics, including the Wessex Institute of Public Health Medicine and the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit in Oxford. During these commissions she worked on health economic evaluations and health technology assessments in a wide range of health care policy areas and specialised in the measurement of health-related quality of life. Whilst in Austria, Louise has worked at JOANNEUM RESEARCH in the area of health services research and lectured at various Universities of Applied Science and, since 2019, has carried out research at the LBI HTA. She is a member of the Austrian Health Economics Association and regularly reviews for scientific journals.